Upgrade Your Tennis Game

Tennis AI is paused while we do further development.

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How it Works


Capture your match or training session on your phone, tablet or any camera.

Stream or Upload

Stream for real-time processing or upload for post-match processing via our state of the art artificial intelligence algorithms.


Improve your performance by reviewing technique, filtering to specific events, stats, ball speed, and more.

Player Benefits

Real-time or Post-Match Analysis

Access analytics in real-time with streaming or post-match with upload to identify areas for improvement.

Access to Players

Enables coaches to train more players remotely and expand their coaching business nationally and globally.

Multi-Match Analysis

Ability to search and compare previous matches to track a player's performance over time or against various opponents.

Coach Benefits

Scouting & Recruiting

Coaches can scout their players' opponents for strengths and weaknesses or recruit players to their clubs and teams. 

Online Coaching

Upload your video and connect with your coach or select a coach with a specific skillset to review your game remotely. 

Online Promotion

Coaches can promote their business online and increase their revenue. 

As Seen in the Media

ATP Cup to Showcase Innovations

... Equipped with access to real time statistics, data, insights and match vision, the captain, players and coaches can use an Athlete’s AI platform, and have the ability to bring up any points played according to specific match statistics at the touch of a button, as well as bookmark specific points for post-match analysis....

Six hot Aussie tech start-ups you should pay attention to

These six startups will legit change the game. We're always hearing about the newest tech start-up that is going to disrupt an industry. But beyond the stereotypical “like Uber for…” or...

Here are this year's HWA Lab Winners!

Two of Australia's best new tech ideas have just been awarded $40,000 each. Those participating in the HWA LAB this year met at the Innovation & Collaboration Centre this week to be mentored by international and local industry leaders,...

Our Strategic Partners


"David and his team at Athlete's AI have built a product that will revolutionise tennis and the sports industry by allowing players to analyse their matches instantly using just their smartphone."

Dani Vallverdu

Coach of Andy Murray, Stan Wawrinka, Karolina Pliskova
ATP Tour

"The Adelaide Football Club is pleased to have formed a strategic partnership with Athlete’s AI.  We believe Athlete's AI is providing an innovative solution and developing a product with a big market opportunity applicable across a range of sports worldwide."

Andrew Fagan

Chief Executive Officer
Adelaide Football Club

"We view Athlete’s AI as a great innovator in the fast moving area of artificial intelligence - in a mechanism accessible to the amateur participant."

Nick McArdle

General Manager of Strategy & Projects
Adelaide Football Club

"Athlete’s AI is creating what I believe is a game changer for the tennis world."

Sandon Stolle

Former #2 in the world in ATP doubles